Polycythemia is defined by venous hemoglobin concentration > 220 g/l or by hematocrit value > 0.65 during the first week of life. It correlates clinically with hyperviscosity syndrome.
The common causes:
- chronic intrauterine hypoxia
- twin-twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic-diamniotic twins (recipient twin)
- excessive placental transfusion
Clinical signs
- dictated by the severity of hyperviscosity syndrome (infant can be completely asymptomatic)
- respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- cardiac failure
- seizures
- thrombotic complications
- hypoglycemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
Laboratory findings
- venous hemoglobin concentration > 220 g/l or hematocrit value > 0.65 during the first week of life
- treatment for individual symptoms
- parenteral fluids (hypoglycemia, jaundice)
- careful enteral nutrition (variable perfusion of gastrointestinal tract)
- partial exchange transfusion => reduce hematocrit < 0.60
① Sarkar S, Rosenkrantz TS. Neonatal polycythemia and hyperviscosity. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2008;13(4):248-255. doi:10.1016/j.siny.2008.02.003