Chronological record of software changes including details about new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other modifications
- Improvements
- Added App Previews (3)
- Optimized color of several buttons
- Updates
- Minimal iOS requirements 14.0 → 16.0
- Improvements
- Reviewed Handbook and Pharmacy References
- Reviewed Modules for relevance and accuracy
- Circulation – Lines: corrected UVC placement according to the revised Shukla formula
- Circulation – Lines: corrected UAC placement description (calculation is for high position of the catheter)
- Perinatology – Outcome: updated individual risk factors
- Perinatology – Outcome: improved the risk assessment based on the number of positive and negative factors (Prognostic Value)
- Metabolism – Nutrition: ESPGHAN section updated with the latest recommendation (2022 Enteral nutrition guidelines for Preterm infants)
- Metabolism – Nutrition: ESPGHAN section with the updated link to the latest guidelines for Enteral nutrition in preterm newborns
- Updates
- Minimal iOS requirements 16.0 → 17.0
- Updated Launch screen (healthcare professional statement)
- Improvements
- Updated System buttons (Modules)
- Updated Custom buttons (disabled Highlighted Adjusts Image)
- Removed Button FX where unnecessary
- Reviewed/updated all entries (Modules/Handbook/Pharmacy)
- Text corrections
- Adjusted font size for better readability
- Tested for different screens (iPhone SE 3rd Gen/iPhone XS/iPhone 16/iPhone 16 Plus/Pro/Max)
- Modules
- Updated Button Images (Main/Nutrition/Neurology)
- Reviewed/updated all Infopanels
- Infopanel textView modifications
- Reviewed/updated all popViews
- Heparin moved to Circulation
- Espghan links rearranged for consistency
- Improved scrolling functionality
- Handbook
- Updated Button Images (Medication/Infantools/TableView)
- Added Zoom function
- New button References (Modal)
- Adjusted textView – better readability on larger screens
- Adjusted imageView Height – improved visualisation for larger screens
- Removed Nutrition entry (out-of-date)
- Updated Essential section – more consistent style
- Improved scrolling functionality
- Pharmacy
- Updated Button Images (TableView)
- Added Zoom function
- New button References (Modal)
- Adjusted textView – better readability on larger screens
- Changed Individual dosing to Drug Interactions
- Improved scrolling functionality
- New drug Cefotaxime
- About
- Changed the layout to match the style of the app
- Updated content (new sections – Fund, Changelog)
- Updated TabBar icons
- Added functions to monitor electrolyte concentrations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ph) in the parenteral nutrition volume and warn about potential solubility and precipitation risk
- Changed installation theme from Classic to Surface with custom logo
- Added All-In-One (AIO) functionality (calculation for 1-2 days) in Nutrition, Infusion and Preset modules
- Added AIO Dead Space/Volume to Settings
- Added AIO titles to exported and printed infusions
- Added precipitation risks (Infusion module – changed the layout):
- Risk 1: only for AIO infusions (Ca + Mg > 7.5 mmol/l if together with anorganic phosphate and lipids)
- Risk 2: Na + K > 120 mmol/l
- Risk 3: Ca x P > 72 mmol/l (applies only to anorganic compounds)
- Patient ID now accepts letters from A-Z
- Note: users should be careful with updating Patient Database (changed Patient ID from numeric to text input) and Preset Database (new AIO Dead Space added to Preset database)
- Bugfix: crash when displaying multiple warning messages
- Written explanation of abnormal values in Newbone module (renal ratios and TRP)
- Improved graphical user interface (titles, gradients, images)
- Improved Guidelines section (online references, ESPGHAN integration)
- Improved font size and font size scaling across multiple modules
- Improved direct print
- Bugfix: color correction
- Corrected typos and other grammar and syntax errors
- Warning messages for suboptimal nutrient intake (vitamins)
- Bugfix: crash when heparin concentration is 0 (infusion calculation for 1 or 2 days)
- Added comments for certain actions
- Bugfix: LipidNameEdit instead of ProteinNameEdit
- Bugfix: PresetNatriumEdit.Text == “0“ instead of !=
- NEODIET added to file names to distinguish JSON and PDF files from other Infantools apps
- PDF generation tweaks (simplified signature section)
- Enhanced requirements settings when exporting/printing PDF and exporting JSON
- Added functions to monitor electrolyte concentrations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ph) in the parenteral nutrition volume and warn about potential solubility and precipitation risks
- Changed installation theme from Classic to Surface with custom logo
- Added All-In-One (AIO) functionality (calculation for 1-2 days) in Nutrition, Infusion and Preset modules
- Added AIO Dead Space/Volume to Settings
- Added AIO titles to exported and printed infusions
- Added precipitation risks (Infusion module – changed the layout):
- Risk 1: only for AIO infusions (Ca + Mg > 7.5 mmol/l if together with anorganic phosphate and lipids)
- Risk 2: Na + K > 120 mmol/l
- Risk 3: Ca x P > 72 mmol/l (applies only to anorganic compounds)
- Patient ID now accepts letters from A-Z
- Note: users should be careful with updating Patient Database (changed Patient ID from numeric to text input) and Preset Database (new AIO Dead Space added to Preset database)
- Added numerous nutrition items (formulas, enteral and parenteral supplements)
- Text change for dead space in Infusion (vamin + lipids export and print of PDF)
- Consolidation of percentage and names of nutrients
- App deployment: removed support for Windows 7 and 8 (support Windows 10 + 11)
- Infusion: improved parameters – changed font (added scaling to Scaling Font code section), color, segmentation, vertical alignment, precipitation tooltips duration
- Newbone: ESPGHAN guidelines, graphic edits
- Information: online manual link, graphic edits
- Guidelines: ESPGHAN guidelines with links, graphic edits, removed 2 sections with dated information
- Overview: graphic edits (margins, borders)
- Preset: Added Default Preset infusions
- Preset: Removed PresetProteinLbl (Preset module – Preset infusions) binding connection as there is no option to add protein to the bag
- Preset: Changed default values – dead space (vamin + lipids) and nutrients
- Bugfix: flush bug when exporting/printing AIO infusions
- Bugfix: 2 flushes required at the same time now fit 1 page (instead of 2)
- Bugfix: app icon bug when updating Windows
- Bugfix: Binding errors with Combo box Items – added code to App.xaml
<Style TargetType="ComboBoxItem">
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center" />
- Added new nutrition items (parenteral supplements – phosphate, sodium)
- Added Control to the printed infusion paper – double checking if the prescription matches the contents of PN bag (Export and Print PDF)
- Added new nutrition items (enteral 10 % NaCl, a number of formulas, ClinOleic, CaCl2)
- Bugfix: Settings Preset – if no volume set to nutrients in preset bags
- Settings – Preset – option to add numbers to Preset Name
- Numeta Bags (G13% and G16%) calculations added to Preset Infusions
- Added link to Changelog
- Optimised visibility of Preset Infusion Combobox items in Preset Module
- Added ESPGHAN 2022 Recommendations for enteral nutrition of preterm newborns (Guidelines)
- Note: Preset infusion – lipids are not calculated if they were not included in the Preset Infusions
Enteral Nutrients
- Protein
- Nutrilon Protein supplement
- Saccharides
- Fantomalt
- Nutrilon Nutriton
- Kulíšek (oral rehydration solution)
- Lipids
- MCT oil
- Sodium
- NaCl 5.85 %
- Na / Ca / P capsules (cps.)
- Kulíšek (oral rehydration solution)
- Potassium
- KCl 7.45 %
- Calcium
- Ca capsules (cps.)
- Ca/P capsules (cps.)
- Phosphate
- Phosphate solution
- Iron
- Aktiferrin
- Maltofer
- Vitamins
- Folic acid capsules or tablets (vitamin B9)
- Vigantol (vitamin D)
- Kanavit (vitamin K)
- Milk fortifiers
- Beba Expert Pro FM85
- Nutrilon HMF (Human Milk Fortifier)
Milk and Formulas
- Alfare
- Alfamino
- Althera
- Beba Comfort 1 HMO
- Beba SupremePro 1
- Fortini Multi Fibre
- Hipp 1 Bio Combiotik
- Infasource
- Infatrini
- Infatrini Peptisorb
- Kendamil 1
- Human milk
- Milupa Basic F
- Neocate Infant / Junior / Syneo
- Nutrilon 1/2 Allergy Care Syneo
- Nutrilon 1 ProFutura
- Nutrilon ADC (Allergy Digestive Care)
- Nutrilon Nenatal 0/1
- PreBeba 1/2 Discharge
- Renastart
Parenteral Nutrients
- Protein
- Aminovenoes 10 %
- Amiped 10 %
- Primene 10 %
- Nephrotect 10 %
- Lipids
- SMOFLipid 10 %
- Omegaven 10 %
- LipoPlus 10 %
- ClinOleic 10%
- Sodium
- NaCl 5.85 % / 10 %
- Sodium Acetate
- Potassium
- KCl 7.45 %
- Kalium Malate
- Calcium
- Calcium gluconicum 10 %
- CaCl2 10%
- Phosphate
- Sodium Glycerophosphate
- Glucose 1-Phosphate (cori ester)
- KH2PO4 6.8 % / 13.6 %
- Magnesium
- Magnesium Sulphate 10 %
- Cardilan (Mg + K)
- MgCl2
- Trace elements
- Peditrace
- Tracutil
- Vitamins
- Vitalipid N (fat soluble)
- Viant (fat and water soluble)
- Cernevit (fat and water soluble)
- Soluvit N (water soluble)
- Solvents
- Glucose (Dextrose) 5 % / 10 % / 20 % / 40 %
- NaCl (Saline) 0.45 % / 0.9 %
- Aqua pro injectione
- Plasmalyte / Isolyte / Benelyte
- Improved graphical representation of printed medication (bold medication amount)
- Bugfix: color correction
- Corrected typos and other grammar and syntax errors
- Improved graphical representation of printed medication (bold medication amount)
- Corrected grammar
- ID not limited to 10 characters (14 now)
- Database handling – new option in Editing module to export and import database from another computer (original database will be replaced)
- Written explanation of abnormal values (renal ratios and TRP)
- Comments for certain actions
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