Bleeding disorders

Bleeding disorders

Newborns (preterm in particular) have relatively low levels of pro-coagulation factors (vitamin K dependent factors), diminished platelet functions (their levels are similar to adults), as well as low anti-coagulation factors (antithrombin III, protein C). Nevertheless, both pro- and anti-coagulation systems are in balance and hemorrhagic or thrombotic events are not usually observed. The levels of fibrinogen, factor V,…

Congenital infection

Congenital infection

Congenital infection is a relatively rare, infectious intrauterine complication. Sometimes also called fetal infections due to pathogenesis – transplacental transmission from mother to fetus. The pathogen can be the cause of fetal demise, organ malformations, and preterm birth with its consequences; however, the pregnant woman is often asymptomatic. There are preventive measures against certain pathogens (rubeola…